The world life of humanity is threatening from the natural disasters that sometime make creature to last life on the world. The creature that can serve their life because of adaptation of their living with the nature, However human is the same one in this world. 

The scientists are not sure to recognized where and when of human ancestors celebrated their birth, they has some evidences to solve the doubt of people now. They do researching on the earth by digging soil and test the carbon on born and something ells, Whatever they do a creative innovation by using computer design samples skin to match similar sample born which they faced during digging in their laboratory. 

Fortunately, the scientists has the resolution to explain people by computers design from and skin cover to what the have been found, It just the similar to gorilla face which our ancestors. The above image is showing you the real one which make you unbelievable that human can develop to now, What you thinks? Does it appreciate to you? Please thinks and note what you mind. I sure you by the evidences in the bellow video, Please enjoy watching and thinking then if you thinks something, please you guys leave comments bellow.
Thanks for your appreciate,.    


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