The Breaking News of Vietnamese in Cambodia

The Breaking News of Vietnamese in Cambodia Now is Hot Topic Which Cambodians Concentrate on Their Changing Relocation

After a big problems solving in Kompong Chhnang province that the authority find their land for donation to them. Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia and the Vietnam group in Cambodia have raised $27,000 and two tons of rice to support the Vietnamese in Kompong Chnang living on Tonle Sap water who are to relocate to land last month.
Depend on Kampong Chhnang provincial authorities, talking on 1471 people living on boats on Tonle Sap, Kampong Chhnang city, will be change to new location from the authority providing. The most of them are poor with non stable work while fisheries resources are increasingly limited.
The big thing which Cambodians are concerning on is still Vietnamese case who they live on their boat house in Phnom Penh city, just the last week the Phnom Penh authority HE. Khoung Sreng has a declaring to all Vietnamese by limit 7 day to all of them for relocation from the water and landing to other place.

The big reaction from those people are fighting speech for their living is not suitable for them, they told that, just the time 7 days why they can prepare well for their relocation, some people they just feed their fish in the water so how can they move or find their market for selling their fish. The village leader has talk that he will bring a letter to meet the governor Vietnamese foreign affair to help them for finding the resolution for their living in Cambodia now.   

However, until 12 June, 2021 Cambodians see the Phnom Penh authority  was done from what their speech, they use authority power to remove Vietnamese home by 70% over there has done, some people who not yet preparing to relocating their home still negotiate to beg for a few days more in their removing.

Cambodians around the world in and outside of Cambodia are so happy when they saw the Cambodia governor dare to do like that, other parts of this case many people still wondering where all Vietnamese who remove from the water to landing? However, Cambodians didn’t get any declaration about the new place where Vietnamese remove to. However, people try and do many concentration on this case and they observe on this news on where of the new location of Vietnamese.
Thanks for reading, please any comment if you have any idea,.

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