Hilarious Maya Temple standing in Wild

 Hilarious Temple Stone BC in America

The hilarious things in the world are now discovery by many technicians from the modern technology in variety ways, now I have an opportunity to show you from the video which I have seen and amazing on the ancient temple in central America is Maya. I am so proud of their ancestors who have idea to build the world amazing things for the generation, Maya is a temple which was built since 1800 before century that we called pre-modern period. The structure has found by many sandstone and it stand on the sand, that side of it which we can look at the decoration or architecture are using steel to carve and style that they want, we saw many gallery on the wall that their ancestors drawled. Whatever, the big construction was built until their using many people or labors skill to support their technique, at least they spent thousands people to sacrifices in their processing building.

The reason for building this is for celebrating for their gods especially sacrifice creatures to get peaceful that all cultures have celebrated by their leaders, that now the reasons to make human scaring on how their ancestors can do in the most big among of the history Central America. The imagination of the amazing archeologist on Maya temple that can show us that period is the civilization territory leader’s managing, the most power country which can collect too large landing and people. However their society is too many people and slavers. The feeling if I think to the past is surprise and very hilarious by nothing to compare any to its, the power country has too much people and developed their territory since before 1800 century.

Thanks, please watch this video which make you amazing as possible as I describe you,.

The Suicide Squad is Amazing Movie

The Suicide Squad 

Hello guy welcome back with me and I will bring you guy with an a mazing Hollywood video trailer to share the most video views and trending now, I sure this video will make you no shock and want to see the whole story without waiting. The most popular rolling are the most popular and famous people star like Mr. John Cena and many black skin roller in Africa. The first one movie is the best trailer that showing you on the good scenes of fighting, shutting, and romantic movement, however it was just only a few minutes but it is full meaning to show us how attracting it is? then the next trailer is a movies which the most popular on monster and magic fighting that whole they talking on their destination such as flying or exploring in different places space, forest, or and dessert. I note that the one fun for I watch is the dog monster that it can communicate with human and the drive in the space machine and go to do destination together hahsaha. The best roller is John Cena and many beautiful lady with the most design monsters face are so attractive and wonderful, their scenes is a nice one that they cane show the real and reflect to the modern world society now by movie. Whatever, they use modern materials instrument to take videos and used many visual affect to the movies such as plan, space, aircraft for their flying destination and struggle every in the movie time. The good scenes are fighting, shooting, moving, flying and some argument in their team for the destination to help people in the story. They try to protect people life and fight to bad persons that they want the world is disappearing but however, the roller still win and save the world from the people who bad thinking, Ok now please watch this trailer now and leave comment from idea, if you love please share this and leave a follow to my website now. 


The Breaking News of Vietnamese in Cambodia

The Breaking News of Vietnamese in Cambodia Now is Hot Topic Which Cambodians Concentrate on Their Changing Relocation

After a big problems solving in Kompong Chhnang province that the authority find their land for donation to them. Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia and the Vietnam group in Cambodia have raised $27,000 and two tons of rice to support the Vietnamese in Kompong Chnang living on Tonle Sap water who are to relocate to land last month.
Depend on Kampong Chhnang provincial authorities, talking on 1471 people living on boats on Tonle Sap, Kampong Chhnang city, will be change to new location from the authority providing. The most of them are poor with non stable work while fisheries resources are increasingly limited.
The big thing which Cambodians are concerning on is still Vietnamese case who they live on their boat house in Phnom Penh city, just the last week the Phnom Penh authority HE. Khoung Sreng has a declaring to all Vietnamese by limit 7 day to all of them for relocation from the water and landing to other place.

The big reaction from those people are fighting speech for their living is not suitable for them, they told that, just the time 7 days why they can prepare well for their relocation, some people they just feed their fish in the water so how can they move or find their market for selling their fish. The village leader has talk that he will bring a letter to meet the governor Vietnamese foreign affair to help them for finding the resolution for their living in Cambodia now.   

However, until 12 June, 2021 Cambodians see the Phnom Penh authority  was done from what their speech, they use authority power to remove Vietnamese home by 70% over there has done, some people who not yet preparing to relocating their home still negotiate to beg for a few days more in their removing.

Cambodians around the world in and outside of Cambodia are so happy when they saw the Cambodia governor dare to do like that, other parts of this case many people still wondering where all Vietnamese who remove from the water to landing? However, Cambodians didn’t get any declaration about the new place where Vietnamese remove to. However, people try and do many concentration on this case and they observe on this news on where of the new location of Vietnamese.
Thanks for reading, please any comment if you have any idea,.

Banteay Srei is The Most One Beautiful Stone Temple in Cambodia

Banteay Srei is The Most One Beautiful Stone Temple in Siem Reap Province

Up to evidences often referred to the​​ carve  art images of the Banteay Srei temple wall, it is referencing to celebrate for Hinduism, especially to the gods of Shiva,  which was built on 10th century that is the first style temple during Angkor era.

Depend on the temple is dedicate to Hindu Shiva, so Banteay Srei need to be a strong building by the old Khmer ancient was built from the red sandstone or holly red stone, some of structures was built from late stone which we saw at the foundation of the temple. We noted that this temple was built on the high place by supporting too much late stones, we look at the surrounding of its, it lying from Phom Dei 25 Km to northern of many temples in Angkor era. This temple is largely building which built from the sandstone that has beautiful decorated by deeply carve and labors skill by stay in scale in that time.
Referencing to the building, we thought that Banteay Srei is a temple was built for celebrating to female gods, and its show on social support, healthy, productive of health education, experiencing of life skill, leadership and development to young women impact by their community.

Banteay Srei is the old temple, was built since 10th century, so it’s face many things to disturb during Khmer leading or abandon, many war over long ago that make this temple stand in the jungle. The temple was destroy between Khmer and Khmer own war and it use to leaded by Siam after they win on Khmer during 16th century, so some parts of it was damaged. The news face of Banteay Srei was rediscovered only in 1914 when AndrĂ© Malraux stole four devatas in 1923. 

The Best One of Stone Temples That Amazing Ancient Antiques in Cambodia

 The Amazing Sword Temple, (Preah Khan)

Preah Khan is a temple which was built from the stone and grey sandstone which was built by the king Jayavarman VII for celebrating to the gods in both of Buddhism and Hinduism. This temple was built in the purpose of great honor to the king father Soyarvaman II since 12th century, it has many things that make people interesting on, one part of it is the four Colum which has size 2mx0.6m, may towers and holy sword in the biggest holding tower. Sometime, historians thought that this temple was built for the king living and keep waiting for Angkor Thom finished, other things it is a place installation book or we called library.

This temple was built in the area of Angkor Thom which located in Siem Reap province nowadays, The engineer and architecture was built with any temples complex is surrounded by a moat, and its area stretches over a swatch of land 800 meters by 700 meters, where enclosing area is 56 hectares. Its decoration seems to swallow the ruins.
The connection of Preah Khan temple is connect to the northern of Angkor Thom and the east of Preah Khan is lie on Jayataka Baray, which was built by man-made, the body of water that offers the beautiful shadow from the temple in the jungle. The wonderful thing in the middle water surface we see an island that we called Prast Neak Pean, which that case bring human to wonder why the ancient people can built it in the water like that!  

Break the while and we talk on the size and shape of Preah Khan’s architecture was decorated, especially the outside wall, which has five-meter-tall Garudas that are frozen in battle with fighting Naga snakes. There are four gates that allow people traffic into the temple, and each has a causeway over the moat. The main door is the eastern one, which there are the ruins of a small stage for boats, after that we look at two lions which standing guard.

Amazing Cambodia is Phnom Penh Capital

The Phnom Penh City

Phnom Penh is a capital of Cambodia Country which low than sea leveling 1-5 meters mostly, that reasons is make this city face to flooding frequently by storming and raining in rainy season. The wonderful of this city is located on the forth face of river that people think that it is a great for gods giving to Khmer, the forth rivers are Bassac river, Tonle Sap river, Upper Mekong river, and Under Mekong river, its combined that front of the Phnom Penh city. This country has many challenging up to generation and struggle with some bad situations as Siam war or Khmer interior also, the big action that was kill Cambodians over three millions is in Pol Pot leading or we called Khmer Rouge. After this black evil Cambodia try to develop own self until now which make Cambodia has beautiful capital city as nowadays. The whole area including the outskirts of Phnom Penh is over 679 square kilometers and there are currently most that 2,500,000 people living in this area. This country is leading by the kingdom policy which the king nowadays is Norodom Sihamoni and has a prim mister is Samdech HUNSEN.

The many interruption cases cannot stop Cambodia to make innovation from nothing to get modern and civilization all sectors such as infrastructure, building, electricity, housing, and many modern society infrastructure now start from zero. Stop think about the pass and we look at the beautiful city and where we can do visitation, as I tell you Phnom Penh city has variety places for tourism do their tourist are, the Silver Pagoda, the Royal Palace, The riverside, the National Museum, the Choeng Ek Killing Fields and Wat Phnom, the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum, where are the history tourism. Now please talk a look of modern lifestyle in this capital are, City mall market, Soriya market, Sovanna Market, Stoeng Meanchey market, Eaon mall market and etc,. Here that that I told you it is variety lifestyle after black evil, whatever, the nighttime is a happy places for people who love night time, they can have many choice for their entertainment such as bar, club, pub, night market, KTV, fresh air at riverside, restaurants, etc,. which everyone can enjoy follow their heart.

We take a look of the population in this country, many tourists they always said Cambodians are so friendly and have a good connection to the world outside. People always smile and speak gently sound especially eye contact to their partners, they keep worm and do what they can, they will show you about their traditional such as food or their living.

Including, I just describe you at all if I have time I will show you more on this wonder and ancient country in Southeast Asia more, please live comment if you have any idea,.



Cambodia is a country where located in South East Asia which has 181035 square kilometer with the most over 16 million people are there, the most people are celebrate to Buddha. People are so friendly and have a good relationship to each other; over 80 percentages of people are working as famers. Cambodia is a country which passes a black history in 1775-1979 during Pol Pot or called Khmer Rouge governance, in this authority more than three millions people was death. Khmer Rough was over and this country was leading by other government until now that make it’s growing up step by step faster that can change the face of this country.

This country is an old one in Southeast Asia which has many cultures and ancient building as many temples, the most popular temple in Cambodia which the world was known is Angkor Wat temple. It located in the western of this country in Siem Reap province and northern of the big nature river Tonle Sab.

Angkor Wat was built in the 12th century by dynasty king Suryavarman 2 during 1112–1152. There are many religious temples of Angkor Wat was build more than a thousand buildings, that it show us is one of the amazing cultural of the world. Angkor Wat is the construction world’s largest religious structure for Buddhism, this construction is rely on expand 160 hectares located there, that it show civilization in that nasty time.

The Siem Reap province which Angkor was build is served as the royal city which a dynasty of Khmer kings ruled one of the largest in Southeast Asia, most building located in this area was built from stones, during building many temples Khmer need many people who work as labors, architect, civil engineer, management, and finance for supporting that processing, all of that cases which pause this country to be an empire in that time from the end of the 9th century until early in the 13th century.

The changing until 15th century Angkor was celebrate for Buddhism under the reasons of Buddhist monks have maintained Angkor Wat, after that there are Europe scientists who discovery and remark something that they are arrived and saw to their notebook. Angkor Wat was to be old city where Khmer king was replaced to other location; especially Chatomuk city by the king Pornhea Yat by keep some waiters and waitress to maintain there. After that there are many time that this old city was invasion by Siam frequently years that they are destroy this wonderful construction during their holding and war.

The new era of this building  was appear on 20th century various restoration programs were undertaken, but they were broke by Cambodia politicians during 1970 by Khmer rouge, this black evil was most over in 1980 and Angkor Wat temple was register to be a world heritages by UNESCO since 1992 until now.



Hilarious Maya Temple standing in Wild

  Hilarious Temple Stone BC in America The hilarious things in the world are now discovery by many technicians from the modern technology in...